 Shingled TreeHouse
 Two Trees & Two Posts
 Pine Log Tree Fort
 Sunburst TreeHouse
You Can Actually Build - A Weekend Project Book |
Treehouses capture the imagination of the child in all of us, and they have never been more popular than they are today.
This inspirational yet thoroughly practical guide shows even the most inexperienced weekend carpenter how to design and build a lifetime of memories for the entire family.
In addition to line drawings, the book contains a section of full-color photographs highlighting a variety of treehouse projects, plus helpful building tips based on interviews with their owners.
The authors outline five basic designs that can be adapted to virtually any set of conditions, and throughout the book, they emphasize safety for both adults and children.
The book includes general information useful in building a treehouse, explaining treehouse basics, and extra ideas to incorporate into a treehouse like where to build, tree facts, building and tool tips, and safety practices.
The designs include one, two, three and four trees (or two trees and two posts) treehouse projects and the perch treehouse.
This book is a haven for treehouse builders.
Signed copies available directly from authors.
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"Reviews from this book:"
Mr. & Mrs. Stiles, Just wanted to thank you for the great books you've put out. The pictures attached show the treehouse my 9yr old daughter and I built this summer. It took 2 months and every ounce of cleverness we had. We are very proud of it! Your 2 books (Treehouses and Playhouses You Can Actually Build and A Weekend Project Book - Tree Houses) were the basis for the entire build. It is an 8' by 10' basic design, 15' up a pine tree with a small deck in front. A rope bridge and crow's nest are next. Thanks again!!! Steve & Olivia, Hope Mills, NC
Thanks for a great book. Got the book at the start of April, and we've recently finished our treehouse project. I never would have thought I / we'd have been capable of it, but it's there ! And it's taught us all how much can be achieved with a little planning, and preparation, plus lots of hard work, determination and perseverance. Truly a valuable lesson in life! Thanks again. Mike & Julie, and Katie & Ross B.
This book provides all you need to know about building your tree house...our six grandchildren join me in saying 'thank you!' to David and Jeanie Stiles for a treehouse we could actually build. A reader and grandparent from Berkeley, CA
We bought this book to get some ideas for our children's treehouse. Many of the other books are geared toward adult treehouses. Our design is certainly different from the ones in their book, but it helped us decide what we wanted to build and had excellent safety tips. Our treehouse turned out wonderfully. It is the cutest treehouse ever! (No boys allowed) A reader from Boulder City, Nevada
This book is a great resource. Informative, but also witty and inspiring. Alan B.
I used the ideas and illustrations in this book to build my daughter a treehouse in our backyard. Although I used my own design, I used many of the tips for tree connections, platform supports, and other information the Stiles provide in their book. It is evident they have a real love for their subject. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for treehouse and accessory ideas. A reader from Nine Mile Falls, WA
We built a fantastic treehouse this summer using many of the ideas from this book. My 8-yr. old son and 6-yr old daughter learned so much from the simple illustrations. The book helped us decide on a tree, a design, and gave us nuts & bolts instructions as well as many practical tips. We highly recommend this book! A reader from Woodland Hills, CA
With this book, I built a magnificent treehouse. A reader from Scarsdale, NY
I requested and received Tree Houses You Can Actually Build for Christmas. It is great! I'll use it to build a tree house at our cabin for our twin three-year-old daughters. It really has a wealth of information. I really like trolleys and hanging bridges, but never thought of making them til I saw this book. by Dave G. from Colorado
See also: How-to-Build Treehouses, Huts & Forts by Stiles Designs.